Tuesday, June 9, 2009

God's Blessings are Yes and Amen!

Peace to all in the name of Jesus! just want to glorify The Lord at this moment and declare how faithful He is. A couple of years ago The Lord gave me a word in prayer and I wrote it down. He told me "it will not go past March". I was very excited to hear this from Him. My wife and I have a wonderful son his name is Samuel. We have been praying to The Lord to grant us the blessing to conceive once more. My son is now 7 years old, so as you can see we have been waiting for some time now. Back to what The Lord told me, March came and my wife did not conceive. Next March came and we did not conceive, however I was delivered from things in my life that had kept me bound for some time (Glory to God!!) March came again and nothing. But then guess what, March came again, and oh boy this March was it and my wife and I are now expecting our second child, Praise Jesus!! We are so blessed by his awesome mercies, and words are definitely not enough. So I pray that you rejoice with us as we expectantly celebrate the birth of our child. Blessings to all in Jesus name, AMEN!


  1. Amen!!!!!!!!!! Glory to God!!!!!!!!!!!! Our God is so faithful. Seeing your family's testimony has served as such an encouragement to me and mine. Your lives have been a reflection of the love and faithfulness and yes, the greatness of the God we serve. We rejoice with you and look forward to our new niece/nephew!
    With Jesus' love,
    Karen & fam

  2. God wnats us to rely in all his promises and that his faithfulness produces peace and assurance in us.

  3. What A blessing!!! My family and I rejoice greatly to see the faithfulness of the Lord in your lives and how truly His blessings in Him are Yes, and Amen. I want you guys to know that the testimony that you guys reflect encourages my family greatly and rejoice with the blessing of the Lord in your lives. Salmos 40:1,3 Pacientemente esperé a Jehová,
    Y se inclinó a mí, y oyó mi clamor.
    3 Puso luego en mi boca cántico nuevo, alabanza a nuestro Dios.Verán esto muchos, y temerán,
    Y confiarán en Jehová.

    Praise the Lord,
    Chev Fam!

  4. The Perez-Freire fam rejoice in seeing the Lord's promises manifest themselves in your family. Your family has definately been a living testimony of how faithful and merciful the Lord is.

    What a blessing it will be the day we are able meet our new brother/sister in Christ!

  5. Your wife received my very excited phone call last night brother, your testimony ministered me on the fact that the Lord is faithful to His word and will draw close to us if we draw close to Him. Praise the Lord for His mercies and faithfulness. We truly rejoice with you.

  6. Yes and Amen to the Lord our God, for he is always, ready and willing to bless those who wait on Him in faith
