Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Be Not conformed...

It seems like the majority always wins. At least that's how it is in man's society, with terms like the majority vote, “All those in favor say . . . ,” and other phrases that clearly indicate the losing battle of anyone who opposes the “popular opinion”; but tell you what, the Lord did not call us to be “popular.” He called us to be holy. God's kingdom does not function the way this earthly one does. With God, it is not the majority vote that wins. It is not the “popular opinion” that triumphs but rather those that through faith in Jesus Christ stand firm in obedience to God's Word. While it might be popular and convenient for some to go with the flow of the majority of this world's opinion, for us, it is dangerous and deadly to do so. The Word of God instructs us in Romans 12:2 to not be conformed, molded, shaped by this world (system) but rather that we ought to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. I am so, so grateful that the Lord has and is still renewing my mind through His Holy Spirit and His Word. I am convinced that the Word of God is alive and has an incredible transforming power.


  1. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
    Luke 21:33
    I am convinced that His Word is all I need, for He is the Word!

  2. preach it brother, Amen!!!! truly edified me.
